Steam Flow Metal Mash Ironing Board 

SKU: BKSFB05 Black
  • Steam Flow Metal Mash Ironing Board
  • Frame Color: Black
  • Board Color:  Black
  • Board Size:110x33cm
  • Maximum Height: 85cm
  • Height Adjustment: 7 Levels
  • Item Code: BKSFB05 Black



A steam flow metal mesh ironing board is designed specifically to facilitate the use of steam irons during the ironing process. Here’s a detailed explanation of its features and benefits. The metal mesh surface combined with steam distribution capabilities helps in effectively removing wrinkles from clothes, resulting in crisp and neat garments.  The efficient steam flow reduces the amount of time needed for ironing, making the process faster and more efficient. Metal mesh boards are durable and can withstand frequent use without wear and tear, providing long-lasting performance. Clothes ironed on a metal mesh board often appear smoother and more professionally pressed due to the even distribution of steam. Consider the size of the ironing board surface to ensure it accommodates your ironing needs, whether for large items like bed linens or smaller garments.  Check if the board is easy to clean and maintain, as steam irons can sometimes leave mineral deposits on surfaces.

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